Monday, September 28, 2009

Custom Siebel Component Monitoring Utility

This post describe how custom monitoring tools can be developed to monitor siebel component.

Development of custom monitoring tool consist of following steps.

1. Get statistics
2. Spool statistics
3. Parse statistics
4. Send Alert
5. Building Wrapper

1. Get Statistics
To get Component statistics you can use srvrmgr utility provided by Siebel/Oracle. srvrmgr utility provide details for the component. For more about srvrmgr utiltiy please refer book shelf.

srvrmgr command provide differnt command out of which we will be using list component command. For demonstration purpose we are restricting out of this command to show statistics for component which start with Name SR%.

So final command will be as below.
list component SR%

Output this command is not really formatted well. So we will use different pre-command to format output, which we can parse to send alert.

set footer false
set header false
set delimiter ,

With about setting in place command will only return result related to component SR% without any addition heading or footing as such.

2. Spool statistics
Next step here is to spool the output of step 1. srvrmgr utility also provide the spooling feature. You can execute below statement to enable the spool.

set spool on
set spool c:\a.txt

3. Parsing statistics
Once you spool output of list component command, we need to build parsing utility or use one available with you. I have used my own utility which is VBS based as below.

4. Send Alert
Sending Alert is also important steps because we don't want to monitor system all time. So with parsed out you can send those thru email alert or to pager as per your requirement. I used VBS with CDO component to send the alert.

here is code which I have appeneded at bottom of code in step3.

5. Build wrapper

Building wrapper is last step because this the one which will be running all time and communicating to other component and results will be send to email.

Files Involved:-

1. CustomComponentMonitorUtilityWrapper.bat :- It's wrapper which calls srvrgmr command and parses the output using VBS and send alert.

2. servercmd.txt -- srvrmgr commands used to get the statistics

3. CustomComponentMonitorUtility.vbs - used to parse output and sends an email alert.




Output after running wrapper


  1. Awesome stuff Brijesh :-)

  2. I just saw this post of yours. Incidentally I have been developing these kind of scripts for the last 3-4 years. Now I am looking for real time dashboard kind of script. Have you developed any script in that area? May be using perl or Java etc.
