Friday, May 14, 2010

How to Create Siebel Like custom Tables (S_*) or Column within Tables without X_

Creating custom column in Siebel provided tables, Siebel tools always adds X_ prefix and disabling "SymStrPrefix" parameter in tools.cfg does not help either.

So I came across backdoor solution to create custom columns in Siebel provided table. Again this method is not supported by Siebel. In my opinion X_ prefix is only to differentiate whether vanilla columns or custom columns, it does not provide any other meaning to me.

Here are steps for creating customer column in S_ORG_EXT without having X_ prefix.

  • Lock S_ORG_EXT table locally

  • In Column, create new column with name as TEST and populate all other properties. Once you save or step off from current record, tools will automatically rename as X_TEST

  • Next steps is to add S_ORG_EXT table object into archive. In Table Object , query for S_ORG_EXT and right click on it and select Add to Archive as below and same as S_ORG_EXT.sif on desktop.


  • Once sif file is created, open S_ORG_EXT.sif with any text editor and search for the column which we created X_TEST and change it to TEST and save file.

  • Now at this stage we have sif file modified to re-import into Tools. Open Siebel Tools and select Menu bar > Tools > Import from Archive and follow below steps.


  • With above steps we will be over-writing all configuration with configuration in file. To verify select table object and query on S_ORG_EXT and query on *TEST* in column.

Similarly you can create custom siebel table which starts with CX_.

1 comment:

  1. cowboy stuff .. not good! and people wonder why Siebel falls over sometimes
